Hello again,
Computer graphics I have been interested in since the early 90's, I learned it myself, it is and always will be my passion.
The first steps I took to create the graphics were on commodore64 in the GEOS environment, then the 16-bit Amiga500 and the 32-bit Amiga 1200 - first edition programs - REALSOFT3D, DeluxePaint, first release of Maxon Cinema 4D.
Throughout my whole life I wanted to create something that looks realistically and can be confused with real photographs. This is still strongest motivation for me. Many people said that I should not try to create anything realistic, because realism is something unattainable. I do not think that I can create perfectly realistic graphics, but the software I work on brings me closer to the ideal than ever before. Maybe the skeptics were right, but I'm really trying to prove them that they are wrong.
Most of the programs I have been tracking since the beginning - especially 3D graphics programs such as Alias ??| Wavefront Maya (currently Autodesk), 3dsMax, Cinema4D, Vue d'Esprit, ZBrush and Blender.
As I have already written, graphics and photography still will remain my passion for very long time.
My passion take me to places beyond the impossible.
My motto is:
"Learn all you can.
Try everything you meet on your way.
Look at everything that is to see.
Search, experiment, make mistakes, fall down, rise up.
Become religious, conservative, radical.
And then forget about it all, and find your own style. "
Best wishes,

Copyright by FotoGrafika